Jenny Gilruth MSP

Jenny supports the Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport.

Her specific responsibilities are: Public transport, Decarbonising public transport, Ferry services – inc. CMAL, Low-carbon transport and infrastructure, Roads and road safety, Motorways and trunk roads, Future Transport Fund, Transport information, Scottish Canals, Freight industry, Islands Connectivity Plan, Maritime policy including ports and canals, Aviation and air services (including HIAL), Forth and Tay Bridge authorities, Transport and Travel strategy, Rail services, Concessionary fares and Bus services.

Brought up and educated in Fife, Jenny Gilruth is a graduate of Glasgow University, where she studied Politics and Sociology, and of Strathclyde University where she studied for her Postgraduate in Secondary Education (Modern Studies). Prior to being elected in 2016, Jenny worked for over a decade in education, most recently as a Head of Department in a Fife secondary school. Prior to that, Jenny worked at Education Scotland as NQ lead for Modern Studies, supporting the development of the new qualifications and also as a Modern Studies teacher. Ms Gilruth was elected to represent the Mid Fife and Glenrothes Constituency at the 2016 election. She was previously the Minister for Europe and International Development and Minister for Culture, Europe and International Development.


Jennifer Tempany


Charlotte Taylor